HLAA National
HLAA's Mission is "to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss
by providing information, education, support and advocacy"
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HLAA works on the national level to affect legislation that impacts people with hearing loss, whether it’s funding for hearing aids and cochlear implants, communication access in public places, or other important issues - click here
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HLAA's Magazine for Better Hearing! Hearing Life is available in digital format (free) and in print and mailed to you. All members who give $45 or more will be asked to opt in to receive Hearing Life in print. Our magazine issues are always available at hearingloss.org. |
HLAA has Branded Special-Interest Groups
Learn more at: https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAA
or email Carla Beyer-Smolin at [email protected].
HLAA Advocacy - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAAAdvocacy
HLAA Leaders - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAALeaders
HLAA Newsletter Editors - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAANewsletterEditors
HLAA Tech - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAATech
HLAA Get in the Hearing Loop https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAAGITHL
HLAA Leaders - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAALeaders
HLAA Newsletter Editors - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAANewsletterEditors
HLAA Tech - https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAATech
HLAA Get in the Hearing Loop https://hlaagroups.hearingloss.org/g/HLAAGITHL